Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Ukraine: Ukraine Needs Hispanics!

I need your help!

I am trying to compile lesson plans to help Ukrainian teachers teach about Hispanic Culture in America (Ukrainians like to teach Ph.D. worthy topics in just a few lessons), and, well, I need some Hispanics.

Below is a questionaire that, when answered, should help me compile first person perspectives on being Hispanic in America. I think these we be valuable resources for teachers and will help them stay away from stereotyping.

If you know anyone who considers themselves to be of Hispanic origin, could you please give them this website address or copy and forward them the questions? Good karma upon you!



Hispanic Questionaire

Hello! My name is Daniel Reynolds Riveiro and I am a Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine. As part of Peace Corps Ukraine's multi-cultural awareness group, it is currently my job to compile lesson plans to help teachers teach about Hispanic culture and history in the United

Rather than stereotype millions of people, I thought it would be better to offer first person perspectives on what it is like for Hispanics to grow up and live in the United States.

If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to answer the following questions. Write as little or as much as you like. The questions assume that you were born in the United States, but if that is not the case, please adapt them to yourself.

If you feel you don't really "represent" Hispanics, all the better, because I'm hoping that these first-person perspectives, when seen side-by-side, will show the broad palate of the Hispanic community, reflecting diversity not just in traditions--from Mexicans to Cubans to San Salvadorians--but also in the spectrum of Americanization.

If you could include a headshot, to match a face with the words, that would also be appreciated.

Please e-mail answers and photographs to: edgeon@gmail.com.

Thank you in advance for helping to educate!

1. Please describe yourself: What is your name? Your age? Where do
you live? What interests you? What do you do, for fun or as an
occupation? What is your life like?

2. Please describe your background: What nationalities, if any, do you
identify yourself with? If willing, please describe those countries.
What are the cultural traits you associate with yourself?

3. Please describe your life: Where did you grow up? What was the
ethnic makeup of your neighborhood? Your school? Did you speak a
language other than English in the home? Did you have family that
could not speak English? How "American" did you feel you are/were?
Were there any issues with adaptation? Did your family have any
unique traditions not shared by Americans as a whole? Has being
Hispanic affected your life?

4. Please describe your family's history: Is there a story about how
your family came to America? What are the successes and/or problems
your family has had in America? Does being Hispanic affect your
family's identity? What is your family like?

5. If there is anything you would like others to know about yourself,
please add it!