I was mentioned in the Country Directors' seasonal letter to all volunteers in Ukraine. He called attention to my article on banyas that was published in Nu Shcho, Peace Corps Ukraine's newspaper (a longer version of "Bonding in the Banya" is buried somewhere in the archives of this blog). Of course, he used it to launch into his own banya experience, but as I was the only volunteer mentioned by name in this two page letter, and there are 292 volunteers in-country, I was pretty proud.
Thanks to Bean, Anonomousgirl, Katie, Syko and all the others that comment on my blog. You all certainly keep me writing, and your notice counts just as much.
In other news, we just lost two more volunteers from my group. I'll post--maybe Monday, maybe Teusday--about some of the stuff the volunteers have to deal with. Thankfully, my experience has been good, while it seems that for others, it's been three months of hell.