Ah, yes, another friend is now happily married. The number keeps growing and growing. Erin K. is no longer Erin K., but Erin E., having married one of my fraternity brothers in a small Las Vegas ceremony. The Vegas ceremony came after giving up on planning a big wedding in Oklahoma, where they're both from. It didn't help that he lived in Southern California and she was living in Albuquerque.
Yes, I was in a fraternity, but it was a service fraternity, not a Greek one, and so doesn't count.
I'm starting to loose track of the friends I have that are married. Actually, the truly weird part is that over the entire course of college, they all seemed to have ended up with each other, but never to the people I thought they would have.
For example: Erin K. used to be engaged to my former roommate and good friend, Nick. Matt, the man Erin K. is now married to, dated Melissa for years in college, and we all thought that they'd get married, except that Melissa is now living with Dave, another good friend and former roommate. Dave had a relationship with Kayla, but actually Kayla is now a lesbian--mostly. She did date Jeremy after discovering that side of her sexuality, not long after Jeremy had broken up with Julie, the person he was with for years and with whom he had also been engaged. Nick, by the way, has just gotten out of a lengthy relationship with Sarah, my travel buddy and climbing partner. It's all hard to keep track of, sometimes.
The closest I've gotten to marriage is having bought an engagement ring for Robynne, whom I had been dating for more than two years. Except the ring got lost in the mail.
I bought it in Florida, and since I was going to be spending a night on the streets of New York for the New Years in Times Square thing, thought it would be prudent to mail it home. If anything happened, I figured, it was insured.
Something happened, as in it never got there.
It sort of confirmed what I had suspected: as great as Robynne was, I simply didn't want to get married. She's now teaching dance in California and raising her newborn, Molly. Luckily, our friendship was the strongest part of the relationship, and we've stayed close. So close, in fact, that I'm Molly's godfather.
Which leads to another thing of interest: if you want to get married or have a kid, a relationship with me may be the best way to do it. For the past seven years, every girl that has dated me for more than a month has gotten married, had a child, or got married and had a child with the next guy, including Robynne. There is one exception, but she was with the next guy for more than three years. I'm still not sure why they didn't get married.
Of course, that may have to do with the fact that we're all now of the marrying/child bearing age. But if it's not, and you want a ring on your finger that didn't come from me, sign on up!
In any case, I'm really happy for Matt and Erin, and think they're a great couple. I'm sad I missed the wedding, and I wish them a life of happiness. Good luck you guys!