Below are pics from the apartment upon first moving in. This is exactly how I found it (well, the shirt on the shelf in the bathroom is actually mine). So much stuff was just lying around that I suspected the previous tenants simply fled. There was even water in the tea kettle on the stove.
Things have been rearranged since the photos, particularly in the kitchen (I think it was designed around a four-foot high, 80-pound woman), but you can get the idea of what it looks like.
American makes good in Ukraine, eh?

In through through the front door. That's the dining room on the left and the living room beyond

My bathroom

My kitchen. Both the cutting table, ironing board (that thing on the left covered with decorative plastic) and a breadbox on the wall have been moved to actually give me access to the sink. By the way, four burners is a luxury

The dining room, which will probably see little use as I haven't had a dining room in an apartment since 1995.

The living room. I may move the red rug in the dining room into here just to offset all the brown

My bedroom

My bed, which turned out to be two cushions on wood. I haven't slept on a matress since America

The view out my window