Okay, I spoke too soon on the Media policy victory.
The new policy, which was sent to all volunteers, basically states that you should discuss any article with your Regional Manager and, if they suggest you don't publish it and you do, and something negative happens because of it, you can be administratively seperated (sent home).
Which, makes sense from their point of view. If a firestorm of bad press comes because of an article, Peace Corps can say "we advised him not to publish it and he did anyway. That volunteer has been seperated from Peace Corps and is leaving the country," thus annuling the problem.
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that.
Here's the new policy, as sent out by Peace Corps Ukarine:
POLICY: Trainees or Volunteers are free to discuss their role in the PeaceCorps with media representatives, however they should, if possible, notifytheir Country Director or his/her appointed representative - e.g. RegionalManager, of such discussions before they take place. Volunteers and Traineesmust be aware of, and be sensitive to, the impact their personal commentsmay have on themselves, their co-workers and program, and the Peace Corpsworld-wide.
Volunteers may write articles for publication; however, these should be discussed in advance with the Country Director or his/her appointedrepresentative - e.g. Regional Manager, to ascertain whether they mightcause problems which the Volunteer may not have anticipated. Publication ofmaterial, contrary to the advice of the Country Director, which subsequentlyresults in adverse consequences for the Volunteer or the program, may begrounds for administrative separation.
PROCEDURE: Discuss the article that you intend to publish with your CountryDirector or his/her appointed representative - e.g. Regional Manager, beforereleasing it for publication.
DISCUSSION: This policy applies whether or not you mention Peace Corps inthe article or interview. Remember that Peace Corps is apolitical and thatit is against Peace Corps policy to express personal political views in the Peace Corps. Volunteers are invited guests in Ukraine and as such shouldnot criticize the Ukrainian government or Ukrainian culture and people inany media form.Volunteers should remember that many forms of electronic communication arenot secure, including e-mail, electronic newsletters and list-serves. Whilemany Volunteers find these forms of communication to be very effective, theyshould bear in mind that ill-considered statements could be used toembarrass themselves, Ukraine, the Peace Corps, or the United States.Material that might be viewed as disparaging to Ukraine or as politicallysensitive by the Ukrainian government could create significant problems forthe Peace Corps program in Ukraine. The care taken in private communicationshould be no less than the care taken in public utterances; messages tofriends and family or the contents of web pages may be passed to the pressor others and become a public issue.