I went out again with Diana last night. We went to Podim with Steve and Amy and Amy's host sister. The midnight show was two dance numbers, a lounge singer, a saxophone player and two female strippers. No male strippers, so it was the girls' turn to feel cheated.
Things are going well with Diana. We talked and danced most of the night. She taught me some Ukranian slang: pokovbaciticya is literally "being like a kolbassa" and is slang for dancing. The other is beedeervaticya which means "to tear your buttons". It means to have a good time or to get down on the dance floor. In return, I taught her "S'up?" and "Y'aight?", which she wrote down for her research on English idioms and slang.
We held hands while sitting at the table between dancing, or my hand rested on her leg or hers on mine. It was nice. That's the thing when you first start dating. Every little thing is a big step and so you notice it. I was sitting there thinking how nice it was to hold her hand or have her fingernails trail in my palm and I knew that if we kept dating, in a month or so I wouldn't notice things like that at all. But yeah, at the beginning, all the big things are huge. I took out my little notepad to write down the new Ukranian words she taught me and she jokingly patted my head and said "good student" but then her hand carressed the back of my head and the back of my neck before she removed it, and that was huge.
At the end of the night she gave me a kiss on the cheek before she got in the cab. Actually, I'm feeling pretty good about it all because it's obvious that we like each other. So in that respect, I'm comfortable letting things move at their own pace. I'd rather our first kiss be romantic rather than at a table in a smoky club or outside while three other people are waiting around for me. Basically, I'm not in a rush and I'm savoring all the little things.
I just wish it was a little closer to Spring. It's -10 celcius and we had a huge snow fall, so while it's pretty, movement in the city is slow. Trolley busses are getting stuck and it sucks for me to hike the mile into the city. And that's putting a crimp on a lot of dating plans. Grrr. Be warm, dammit!