In the wake of the violence two weeks ago, Peace Corps Uzbekistan is shutting down. An Uzbekistan PCV that I correspond is now back in the USA, which is good, but also bad. Good to be home, good to be safe, bad to loose a place you've learned to love and work in. She's understandably upset about it.
Peace Corps Russia shut down two years ago, Russia accusing PCVs of spying for the United States.
Places like Belarus, who need it the most, won't even accept Peace Corps.
Eastern Europe is like some struggling giant, body parts made of different materials but somehow held together by the glue of history and politics. It's struggling to rise but as some of it reaches for the sun, other parts shatter and collapse.
It's both a heartening and tragic thing.
In another news, Carrie got back into her apartment, and the camera sale got resolved, so good news there.
Annie, I hope things work out for the best.