Some miscellany:
One: It hit -20 degrees yesterday. The upside to this, best I can figure, has to do with Pepsi. My host mother will not let me put Pepsi (or any other beverage) in the refridgerater. In true Ukranian fashion, drinking cold drinks in winter means you will die. So I've been drinking room-temperature Pepsi since September. Now, though, I just buy a Pepsi, walk home with it, and by the time I get home it's ice cold and a beautiful thing to drink with Cheese-Its sent from America.
Two: There was a broken link to a picture of Yulia and I in Berdichiev yesterday. It's fixed, and if you scroll down you can see what she looks like.
Three: Tomorrow, prepare for another hardcore post. It's actually something that happened to me in November and even once I had written about it, I couldn't figure out when to put it up. So, randomly, it will be tomorrow. Friday will be my response to both it and the mugging and how I'm trying to work things out in my personal philosophy.
Four:I have a site counter thingy that can tell me how people find my site. Apparently someone found it by typing: "Mother in law MILFS" in Try it. It's number 4 on the list
Five: By request, I am teaching my English club to salsa dance tomorrow. I had Diana, Amy and Steve over last night to give them a lesson so that they can help me teach my students. Pictures are below. Right-clicking and "save target as" will let you get full-sized pictures.
Amy and Steve tapping into their Latin souls
Myself and Diana in a dip