Monday, October 31, 2005

Ukraine: Happy Halloween! (Pics)

Happy Halloween! Just because most people in Ukraine don't celebrate Halloween doesn't mean somewhere there's not a costume party until dawn in my city. Diana, Steve and I went to "Halloween Drum and Bass", which is pretty much as the name describes, an all-night rave in a tiny club.

Steve and Diana didn't dress up, but I went as a... As a... Well, I'm not sure what I was. I didn't have much to work with, so we went with the post-apacolyptic raver look, Diana drawing tribal tattoos on my body and adding accents in duct tape.

Steve decided the concept of dancing to drum and bass was a little beyond him, and so instead played with my video camera for the night. Cool footage, and here are stills from the evening:

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I think my expression says: "I have a really tough life".

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A close-up of the "tats".

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My back, and the added duct tape.

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At the rave. Only maybe ten percent were in costume, and nothing extravagent: kitty ears, devil horns, a guy in a scream mask, a girl in a witch mask, that sort of thing.

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Me and Diana on the dance floor (I'm shirtless, she's in the light blue shirt).

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I think this is a really cool shot of me whirling my arms.

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Diana on the dance floor

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Diana again.

It was a really cool night, but I did find myself leaning over to Steve at one point and saying: "I'm 26. I have a Masters. I am a teacher". He immedietly got the irony and started laughing. The subtext was: "why the hell am I shirtless, covered in drawn-on tatoos and duct tape and dancing at an all night rave?"

I'm still not sure, but it was a lot of fun.