Slightly annoyed at the moment. Sometime between last night and this morning I lost my digital camera. Don't know if I set it down in Peace Corps office and it got picked up, if it got left in the hotel room and the maid ran off with it, or it was jacked in the metro. Either way, I managed to travel literally thousands of miles with the thing and never loose it and then I somehow misplace it while attending a meeting in Kyiv. That's how it goes... I try not to place too much attachment on property and it was on its last legs anyway, but still...
So there may not be pics on the site for some time, but I do have some from my last trip with Katie to Kyiv and Odessa, so here we go:
Katie in her headscarf that she had to wear to go into the Kyiv catacombs. I couldn't take pics inside the catacombs, so no mumified monks. Sorry.
A cathedral was under reconstruction. These are the tops.
Me in front of some Soviet weaponry. Behind me on the left is the Rodina Mat, on the right is an ICBM
Me, posing in front of the Rodina Mat