So this is a heck of a lot of pictures from the Pre Departure Orientation for the FLEX students going to study in America next year: four days of learning about the FLEX program, American Culture and pitfalls they might encounter.
I uploaded like a hundred pics from the PDO because a lot of my kids wanted them, and they can all be found here:
But here's some highlights:
The kids learned all about the most important part of American culture: Ultimate Frisbee
Eating borsht for lunch
My kids working on a presentation
We had to go over a number of case studies of problems previous FLEX students had in America, so we did them as a talk show. Here, my teaching partner Tea is getting a reaction from the audience.
A perfect class: no, this isn't posed. These kids have their hands up at every question, so I asked one, whipped my camera out and took the photo.
Taking the test about everything they learned at the PDO. Yes, if they fail the test they don't get to go to America.
On the last evening there was a variety show from the students. Here is the audience.
No, I'm not sure why he's wearing a flag as a skirt.
After the variety show, the staff did "American Dream", a play we do every PDO poking fun at what FLEX students think they will find in America. During the "nightmare" part of the dream, I get to harrass the poor FlEX student on her flight to America.
And here I'm channeling my time in Oklahoma to be a hick
Giving each other autographs
The infamous Group 2, with their stalwart leader, me.