Remember three months ago when I said how important the parlimentary elections would be because it would determine the new government? Okay, you don't but I did and it took until NOW for the for a coalition to form to have a government.
After much squabbling that pushed the time limitations that nearly resulted in a new set of elections, a coalition formed around the three major parties that supported the Orange Revolution. Eventually they'll get around to voting for the Prime Minister, which due to her strong support during the elections, will probably go to Yulia Tymoshenko, which is a huge slap in the face to Victor Yuchenko because I'd say 80 percent of the fighting was about her NOT getting the position because Yuchenko, well, fired her from the very post she's probably about to get.
It's still only probably because she has to be nominated and they have to vote, but they haven't been able to do that because the Regions Party (the one headed by Yanokovich, the one who "won" the falsified election that sparked the Orange Revolution) surrounded the parlimentary podium and blocked access to it, so there was no nomination. It's politics as usual and in the meantime the government hasn't really done anything, including confirming Supreme Court justices (there aren't enough on the bench to rule on anything) who may or may not overturn the constitutional ammendments pushed through at the end of the Orange Revolution which, among other things, grant amnesty for all polititians.
I have a meeting with the director of Peace Corps Ukraine in a minute, to discuss the Across Ukraine Run. Three hours after that I'll be on a train to Kominetz Podilsky, a town that is actually a fortress. Should be cool.